In the 60’s, there was secret agent TV show comedy called “Get Smart”. The good guys were called “CONTROL” and the bad guys were called “KAOS”.
The analogy to snow and ice management is that a successful business will have control over all aspects of operations. Crews, billing, materials, customers, documentation – and much more.
Without control, these areas contain elements of chaos – and when things are not under control, the impact to business operations can be devastating. A few common areas that can cause operational chaos include:
Crew personnel uncertain of their assigned services. Location. Priority.
Materials management. When to apply? Appropriate for current conditions? Stock levels.
Equipment. Enough trucks? Calibrated? Right sized for the event?
Communication of service status to customers. Info via text. Access via internet.
Accounts Receivable. Billing not immediate. Too much paper. Information missing or wrong.
Accounts Payable. Inaccurate/Incomplete information. Not timely.
Real-time Knowledge. Where are the crews? How many services remaining?
Call Tracking. Who called? When? What was the issue? Was it resolved?
Documentation. When started/stopped. Photos available?
Reporting. How did we do? How can we do better next time?
CrewTracker Software provides businesses with a powerful and robust solution to control, manage and grow operations at optimal performance. 16 years in the making, the Digital Services Platform continues to improve and gets better year after year at managing the snow and ice business operations.
Excuse me, my shoe phone is ringing.
Rock Your Game!
Learn more at CrewTracker Software
Phone: (877) 427-4047
Email: info@crewtracker.com